Another Year Passes
In my life anyway. It's my birthday today!
I don't mind saying: It's a little weird to have my birthday so overshadowed by another event. The wedding has pretty much commanded all that goes on around here. Suzie and I went over some things last night and I feel a lot more organized now. My trusty iPod now contains several lists of things that I need to do, where to do them at, and times I need to do them. It feels good having them all jotted down and at my disposal. My previous blog of wedding nervousness had an unintended result: It instilled uneasiness into Suzie. I'm certainly sorry for that. It was never my intent to cast doubt--Only to portray my jitters.
OMG, we're down to the final week! (the crowd gasps)
I ordered a belt for my wedding outfit online and it showed up yesterday. It wasn't what I had in mind when I ordered it though. Okay, the belt and buckle were, but their idea of brown was not per Crayola. It was more of a rusty orangish-tan sort of a conglomeration. Basically, it was hideous. (Notice I said "was") Suz and I made a couple of calls around the area and went to a little shoe repair shop the next town over and bought a can of spray leather dye. A little work with that and some skotchbrite pad action and presto: Just the belt I was looking for. I ended up putting the whole wedding outfit on for her her last night and got the thumbs up. I must admit: It was pretty good. Nothing outlandish (medieval clothing can vary a lot), but very well done. She's quite the seamstress!
I've been working very hard at work (sounds kind of redundant doesn't it). While some parts of the shop have been slowing down, my job has been ramping up steadily. Mostly because I have been thrust heavily into the new computer system our company adopted recently. My job is now very reliant on the new system. I really like having a computer and printer at my disposal--It was a long time coming. A birthday present to me (whether they knew it or not) was that my email at work was finally made operational just before I left yesterday. Even if it's only for within our company network, it will still be a very useful thing. If there's one thing a manufacturing company needs, it's communication.
Today will be the last time I pay rent on this place. I was hoping I had paid extra when I moved in here, but I checked my records and apparently didn't do that. Shoot, I was hoping I didn't have to pay this month and it would be like a bonus. Oh well. You know, I would like to see someone I know get this place when I move out. It's a very nice place, a great price, and in a good location. A 1200 square foot place with a woodstove and a garage for $750 is getting awful hard to find nowadays.
I haven't ridden the Harley to work in probably over 3 weeks, but that will come to an end today. Two wheels and 80+ degrees of sunshine: Sounds like a good recipe for a (gasp!) 53 year-old, doesn't it?