Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pattern Addiction

I did a bad thing a few weeks ago. I got hold of a new game.

Actually, it's not a new game, but a new version of a game that has already been out for a while. The games are called Bejeweled. I had the first game of the series, simply called Bejeweled, way back when and was amazed at the graphics. Then not long after that Bejeweled 2 came out. It was so good that I deleted the first Bejeweled and completely removed it from my list of installable software. I basically threw it away. There was simply no reason to ever go back. Recently I upgraded my computer with a new hard drive and went to reinstall everything. That's when I found there was a new Bejeweled out. This one is called Bejeweled Twist. It's a lot like Bejeweled 2, but with a lot of differences. It does, however, have one major difference:

It's addictive.

I mean highly addictive. It takes hold of your brain. You start recognizing the patterns in the game before they happen, learning to anticipate what single action will potentially line up the pieces for the most impressive cascade of colorful explosions.

I feel bad that I've hooked Suzie on it. Now it has a firm grasp on her life as well. To make matters worse, she's hooked her youngest son on it. It's gotten to the point that when we see something in the real world that is lined up a certain way we notice it.

"You know," I said to Suzie, thoughtfully gazing at the icons on my laptop screen the other night, "If we rotated these two like this..." holding my hand up and twisting it in midair "...They would line up for a Flame Bonus." We both laughed... Nervously realizing that we may possibly need help.

Yesterday morning when she awoke, I was playing it yet again. I stopped (just for a second) and turned to her.
"Good morning." I said. She grunted acknowledgment.
"You were talking in your sleep last night." I told her.
"I was?"
"Yeah, you said 'Bomb disarmed' (a comment from the game)."
"Huh uh..." she said, not believing it for a minute.

Well, think that's enough of this blogging crap for now--I've got a game to play and I'm starting to get the shakes...

1 comment:

Rhon said...

Send me a copy of it...