Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Easy Come, Easy Go

It seems to be the way of the world at work.

The kid that I've been training at work for so long didn't come in yesterday. The word is that he went to work someplace else. It's too bad, because he was a sharp. That means I'll be back in there running the press most days again in addition to the other duties they've given me.

I guess that's the "Catch-22" in this type of work--If someone is pretty sharp, what are they doing working there? Most of the guys that wander in to work there are very low-class people on the social ladder. Guys that have drinking problems, can't ever get to work on time, cars that hardly run... You name it. And you know what? They will never get on top. It's like a neighbor or mine used to say, "Poor people have poor ways."

I got an email from Teresa last night while I was sitting here, and she asked me if there should be any smell of gas out in front of the house where the meter is when it's being used, etc. I wrote back and told her no, of course not. Well, a little while later Sarah called and told me the gas man had just left. He didn't find a gas leak, but he smelled something too and looked around a bit. He found a dead opossum in the basement window well right there near the gas meter. In a twisted way, it's kinda funny...

The non-funny angle of that is the fact that it may have been poisoned. I told her to call animal control to come pick it up and tell them that fact. In recent weeks, one of Teresa and Sarah's cats came down very sick, but did pull through. The next door neighbor's cat was not so lucky. If someone around there is poisoning animals, someone needs to do something about it.

She also told me that divorce papers were ready to sign, so I'll pop by the lawyer's office on the way home from work. Man, it's been a long time since we started this process... This is good news!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There ya go, off to the single races. I know how much relief it is to have things finally wrapped up.

