Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Art of Being Fickle...

... Lately applies to my posting (or lack thereof) in my blog. Sometimes I have multiple posts in one day, and seem to always at least have one post per day. Then there are other times, like lately. The last post I made was on the 5th, which was one week ago today.

I don't know if it's the gloomy time of year and the lack of sunlight, the impending weight of the holiday season, or what it is, but I just seem to have the doldrums. I can't get motivated to write. I have been spending a lot of time downloading and burning movies, and that could have a little bit to do with it too.

I put my Kaypro computers on EBay a week ago and the ad ended Sunday morning. Unfortunately, the only bid I got was the opening $100 bid. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed, but after all--They didn't cost me a dime. The buyer lives up North in Everett, but he still hasn't picked them up yet. I specified "local pickup only--Will not ship" in the auction because I didn't want to deal with packaging and shipping three 33.5 lb. computers and all their applicable crap.

I managed to get out and do a little Christmas shopping on Sunday. That morning I hurried out to buy a paper (or "pile of ads" as I called it to the lady at the counter) so I could make sure I wouldn't miss that "killer deal" on anything. I ended up at a few stores, but only ended up buying at a Barnes & Noble store. A little something for my granddaughter Emma and something for Sarah.

The last several days at work have been grimy and interesting. I've been blessed with the task of rebuilding a conveyor that carries scrap from the press that I run and dumps it into a scrap bin. Way back when they first got this press and got it going they "cob-jobbed" a conveyor together just to see if it would do the job. That was quite a few years ago. Due to the slow time of year, I got the bosses blessings to give it a complete overhaul. To me that means rethinking everything--Changing things and making them better. It will be finished today.

I was going to go out last night and hit up a Nordstrom's to buy something for Sarah, but I'm glad I did my research first online. I already researched the fact that nobody had it for sale for anything less than retail. I guess it's just one of those things that never seems to be on sale. Either that or my timing is wrong. Anyway, I thought I'd get online before I went out and braved the elements, to see what their return policy is. Well, it turns out that if you buy anything from Nordstrom's online, you can return or exchange it at one of their stores. That's what I wanted to hear. They also had a special deal going online with free shipping, so I did my order right there... Nice and dry while the wind and the rain pelted my windows.

I'm still not even close to being "out of the woods" on Christmas shopping, but I'm making progress.

Hopefully I'll get my blogging back on track, but what I really need a vacation to a sunny, tropical place. Yeah, that's what I need.

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