Friday, January 26, 2007

A 16-Year Old Daughter Today!

Yes, it's true, but it doesn't seem quite as alien as I thought it would. To have a daughter old enough to drive doesn't make me feel any different. For some people it makes them feel old. It does, however, make me nervous. I hate to put my only daughter out there in a driving environment. I know it's part of cutting them loose, but nowadays it's a little bit "sink or swim" as far as driving goes. I don't have to worry about it much yet though because she doesn't have her license, nor is she quite ready for it. She just doesn't get quite enough driving in.

I hoped to have found her a car by today so I could wrap the keys up in a box and give it to her amongst her other presents, but alas that wasn't meant to be I guess. I've found a few great deals, but for one reason or another, they made me uncomfortable and I didn't pursue them any further. Gut feelings mean a lot to me on deals with used goods.

I have my personal website on the world wide web in multiple places. Why? They're all free web space providers, and all are subject to "here today, gone tomorrow." My current favorite provider has been getting more and more flakey lately, and the young geek that owns it recently announced that he was close to broke and would have to start putting ads on everyone's websites. Screw that. The guy actually bought the whole website on Ebay if you can believe that. At any rate, I don't think it's long for this world so I went out and found a new one last night. As of now my new main website is I changed it over to the right here ---> in my "links" section already, so make sure you change it in your favorites if you have any reason to ever visit it. It sounds like a much better place, and it's owned and operated by a big outfit so it shouldn't disappear overnight like some of them do.

I've got my Harley torn apart out in the garage. Nothing broken, just doing some changes and updating and repairing a few things. I've got my friend Dan bringing my welder back after him having it for his 1970 GTO restoration project for almost a year. I'll be needing it to repair the rear fender that I have off. It's going to get a few mounting holes welded up, and it has a few "age cracks" around a couple of the bolt holes that need repairing. I'm also going to be painting the whole bike semi-gloss black. I just want a new look. I ordered some new gas tank emblems last night too, reproductions of the exact ones used on the 59-60 Harleys. I like their look. I think I'll put the new front fender on it that I've had in my possession for a few years. It's brand new and has never had any paint on it yet. The reason I bought it is that it has no holes in it at all. I will be taking lots of emblems and things off the bike during this time. I want it to look clean and mean. It should have a quite a new look when I'm finished.

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