Monday, September 24, 2007

A New Friend

What is it about meeting someone for the first time? Obviously there are many ways a first meeting can go, but I'm talking about when things just "click" and it's like you've on exactly the same wavelength.

Such is the way it was yesterday when Deb and I met each other. We "met" (that's the 21st century version of meeting--aka "online" meeting) on a biker website that we're both members of. You can go here to view my page on their site. If you look, you can see it looks almost exactly like MySpace. In fact, it's the same software that MySpace uses, only this one if for bikers. I may have mentioned it before, I dunno. Anyway, Deb is one of the people on my "friends" list there. She and her boyfriend each have their own bikes.

It was one of those times when the pieces just fell into place I guess. Deb lives just up the hill from me in Federal Way, and she mentioned before that she would have to drop in sometime and say hi. I usually don't make the first move in situations like that. Although I'm very outgoing and social, I still have butterflies when I'm actually "en route" to meet someone I've never met before, no matter what the reason of the meeting is. Friend, job interview, party at a stranger's house... Whatever. Anyway, we have talked a couple times in comments on there, but nothing more than that. Earlier on she mentioned something about the Anacortes Oyster Run and wondered if I was going this year, etc. Because of the recent events that took place with my Harley (aka breaking it) I dropped her a line and told her that I wouldn't be going this year. She said she wasn't going this year but her boyfriend was, and maybe later she would drop by and say hi if I was going to be home. Well I was and she did.

As a already mentioned, it was like we had known each other all our lives instantly. Her "drop in" visit ended up lasting 3 or 4 hours as we found ourselves talking in the garage, talking in the kitchen, and even sitting cross-legged on the living room floor. Yak, yak, yak... It was like we both knew each other in our childhoods and were playing catch-up with our last 45 years! It was an amazing thing. As she said afterwards, we have both made friends for life.

In other news: Let's see if I can recap the weekend. Friday my new webcam came in, and that's pretty cool. It works worlds better than my old one that almost needed bright sunlight to work right. I also had Sarah over for dinner Friday, serving my yummy pan-fried Tilapia. We both stuffed ourselves and I still had enough for leftovers the following day. She jetted out with one of her best friends, leaving her car in my driveway. They and a bunch of other friends were all going to watch the football game over at Auburn High School. It was their high school against Auburn High, and Sarah's boyfriend got to play in this game so everybody had someone to root for. She was all decorated up with school colors and stuff. It was pretty cool. Oh btw, they lost horribly... But they all had fun.

I'm trying to think of what I did Saturday, but all I can come up with is puttering in the garage. I purposely avoided working on the Harley out of spite (like it really cares), but I did do some modifications on the Harley floor jack so it may work a little easier when I get back into it. I finished the day with dinner and a movie (here at home of course).

Yesterday I started out the day by taking Sarah to the Puyallup Fair. Yesterday was the final day of the fair, and she wanted to see the art exhibits. We went early and got there right when the fair opened, so I was able to snag a good free parking spot. We spent a long time walking through the art galleries of all the works that the various schools in the areas had submitted, but for some reason her school still hasn't ever submitting anything. Too bad. Anyway, Sarah was really in her element looking at all those. We both really took our time and looked things over well, noting all sorts of interesting styles and designs. When we left there she said she felt inspired. We wandered aimlessly around to find something to eat before leaving. I bought us each a burger at a place, and it was truly the worst burger I have ever eaten. I took 2 bites and threw it away. She at a little over half of hers before doing the same. The meat wasn't quite done (even though it was your typical thin 1/4" patty), the bun was cold, the cheese never melted... It was just shit. She got a scone and I bought a beef Empanada. Both of those were good. After we left the fair we circled around back to our favorite place to eat during fair season. A kiosk on wheels sorta thing that makes and sells these German meat turnover things called Fleislekuchles or something like that. They are most excellent! It's not unusual for people to stop and buy over 20 of them--So they can freeze them and enjoy them all year I guess. Sarah remembered them and wanted one as bad as I did.

I wanted to get home as soon as I could and so did Sarah. She had lots of homework to do, and I had laundry and stuff I wanted to do. Also, I wanted to increase the chance of being home in case Deb made her appearance. In addition to laundry and stuff, I spent some time cutting up kindling for my wood stove. It's getting to be that time of year when the heat is going to have to be on every day, and I want to be able to have my wood all ready to stoke the stove whenever I need to.

Anyway, that's my weekend pretty much. I had a good one and hope you did too!

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