What? More Rhyming?
So here we are again: Winter.
Okay, maybe it's not technically winter yet, but believe me, it's cold outside. I was drawn by the sun to be outdoors today, but looks can be deceiving--It looked warm but was not. I guess I should count my lucky stars that I at least avoided the monsoons we had here a couple weeks ago while I was on vacation.
While I was puttering around outside and in my garage, I my mind started wandering and I started pondering things about our holidays. How do we know anything we celebrate actually took place? What if the things we celebrate from way back (back before anyone that's alive today) were just embellishments, folklore, and legends? It kind of makes you wonder. Okay, okay--It makes me wonder. I thought about all the people that go whacko this time of year and commit atrocities that they might not otherwise commit. Things that the lack of sun might have played a part in. Things that were a result of us having to spend so much time indoors. Although I dismissed the thoughts after a while because I realized my strange hypothesis would really only apply to people that live in colder climates, it did prompt me to do a little rhyming:
The November cold is here in force
but the stubborn sun still shines.
Thanksgiving plans are being made
Turkeys, pies, and wines.
I tend to dread this time of year
no skin or skimpy clothes.
Summer is my time of year
As everybody knows.
Although I really must admit
a roaring fire is nice
I just can't stand the long, dark days
or windshields wearing ice.
Sometimes I have to wonder
as we celebrate this time of year
if the reasons for the holidays
are really to induce some cheer.
What if these days we take for granted
are totally a sham
the Turkeys, hams and Christmas lights
are really just a scam?
The dark and dreary winters
can cause us to lose hope
but what if Christmas and Thanksgiving
were designed to help us cope?
Imagine, man-made special days
created just to keep us sane
When people in the North go nuts
Stir-crazy from the cold and rain.
Okay, it's really just a thought
it couldn't be that way
I'm sure if they were both dreamed up
someone, somewhere would say.
So meanwhile, stoke the fire up
or in that hot tub soak
whatever it takes to warm you
be it drink, or food, or joke.
So there you have it. Eat, drink, celebrate--Whatever it takes. Go buy yourself a video and an electric blanket. Summer will be along some day...
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