Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Like Old Times?

That's what it was like when I stopped at Fred Meyer yesterday and filled up my car's gas tank. It wasn't all that long ago that a fill-up of my little Neon cost me well over $35. It was good to see it on fumes and only cost me $16 to fill it up last night.

Then there is the other side of the coin. We're so used to products having two prices (MSRP and store price) that when we find a store that sells things at full retail it can be a shock. I stopped and bought a filter for Sue's hot tub on the way home from work yesterday at Aqua Quip in Kent. Granted, they are the "only game in town" when it comes to hot tub and spa supplies, but jeez--Full retail?! When every site I found on the web afterwards--And I do mean every site--Has them for less than half of what I paid, they need to wise up and at least split the difference. I hate it when a store "knows" they have some of their customer base by the short hairs when it comes to "I need it now" parts and supplies. The bastids...

Suz was out and about yesterday doing her shopping and stopped by my work so we could have lunch together. That was a nice surprise! Sure, I missed out on my usual 15-minute power nap after eating, but that's okay. She was out buying some ingredients for soup that she made for dinner last night. It was a very interesting soup to be sure, and it was one that I would definitely order again--It was delicious!

So I'm thinking (Sue: "Uh oh--He's thinking...") this morning after I woke up, a Christmas tree or not? I bought one last year for the first time and I'm not sure why. I think part of me missed the old times and wanted to rekindle that warm, fuzzy feeling that comes around this time of year with the lights and music. It wasn't to park presents under--It was for the ambience. They had one priced low at a store last year that came pre-wired with lights and I bought one (I always hated putting the lights on). So, do I put it up? I dunno. Suzie is a witness and therefore doesn't celebrate Christmas, but neither does she mind if I put my tree up I'm sure. I just don't know if it's worth the trouble. My tree is the total extent of my Christmas decor, so that's really all there is to wonder about.

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