I Twittered a No-Hitter
It's no surprise that something as inane as Twitter would take the country by storm. By 'the country' I mean demographically-speaking of course. It's geared toward the younger set after all.
So what is Twitter? It's basically an online message board system. You know those articles you read in an online newspaper that have a place for comments at the bottom? It's a site with those comments as their sole content. You post something and wait for someone to post back, or you post something in response to something that someone else uttered in print. Any message you enter is limited to 140 characters. While that isn't much, it's perfectly suited to cell phones and other texting devices. Now you see the popularity? Twitter lets you post your own inane little blurbs on your own Twitter site, or posts similar empty phrases on anyone else's Twitter site. It's huge!
But it's not for me.
I was invited by my dear friend, Dolores. I thought, "Eh, why not give it a try? I'd like to stay in touch after all..." I started up an account, tweaked it a bit here and there to personalize it a little. I searched for people that I knew and added a few to my watch list. I posted a few things on my own site to "troll" for comments, and posted a few on others' as well.
Okay, end of experiment. Account deleted. I'd much rather sit and write without having to be limited by 140 characters anyway. Just as an experiment, try typing anything meaningful in 140 characters. It's not easy. Hey, maybe that was my problem:
I was trying to be meaningful...
1 comment:
Here's your problem. You were being a troll, they're scary, no one likes trolls. Oh, wait - did you say that?
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