Thursday, June 19, 2008

Just a Blurb

I don't have much to report or yak about today, but thought I'd throw a little bit out there.

For those of you that use Firefox as your web browser, there is a new version out. It's a major upgrade, you might not notice a lot of difference, but there is a lot going on behind the scenes. HERE is a list of features they've put into it. If you don't use it, you should. It's so much better to use than IE that it's ridiculous. Just using Firefox instead of IE can eliminate most chances you would have with malware and creepy crawlies jumping into your computer. If you want it, there's a link to it right here on this page over on the right side. Look... Yeah, over there below the menu. See it?

Suzie and I have been uploading a lot of pictures lately, not the least of which are pictures from our ride last weekend. She took some awesome ones from the back of the bike while we were moving with her smaller camera. She also chronicled Sean's accident Saturday pretty well too, even getting shots of him being loaded into the meat wagon. I'm sure he loves those as a reminder... ha ha.

Okay, I guess I'll go get ready for work now.

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