Monday, June 02, 2008

Costumed Dogs and Kamikaze Flies?

Suz said a lot of the office people were going into work very early on Friday and mentioned the possibility of us going to work on the Harley, which I thought would be cool of course. I got all set to go and had the bike warming up, but still no Suzie. After calling her to confirm I wasn't going to "just miss" her, I continued on to work. When I got home in the afternoon I called a person that had replied to an ad I had on Craigslist for my old car magazines. He and Suzie showed up at the same time. It was nice to get rid of them and of course also nice to get $50 for them. We decided to unwind from our work week by lying in the sun out back with a few beers.

It was then I noticed the Kamikaze fly.

I don't know if he was flying at supersonic speed and couldn't stop, or had bad vision and just thought he could make it, high on poop fumes or what, but he apparently tried to go through my screen at some time in the recent past. When we found him there with only his head stuck through the screen, there was no telling how long he had been there. Maybe he was just trying to show off for his friends.
"Hey guys, watch this!"
I had a lot of fun trying to capture him with my camera. Do you know how hard it is to take a picture that small?

Saturday morning Suzie and I picked Sarah up and went to Auburn's First Annual Petpalooza animal show. We were going for picture-taking, but it ended up being great fun. The weather was "iffy" but it only rained slightly--Not enough to cause problems. Although there were many types of animals there, it was mostly dogs. There were dogs of all shapes and sizes.

There were big dogs, teeny dogs, ugly dogs, spoiled dogs--You name it. There were tons of them wearing all sorts of odd costumes (I don't know what that says about their owners). There were a lot of dogs doing frisbee catching acrobatics too, and we spent quite a while trying to capture good shots of those. Some of those dogs were amazing! One of my favorite things (as well as Sarah's) were the outfits that were adopting Greyhounds out. They were former racing dogs, and I can honestly say I have never met a dog with a sweeter temperament. They were the most loving dogs I've ever seen. We all loved them!

Suzie and I both took tons of pictures while we were there, and we put many of them on our picture site. Click the link over on the right and check em out!

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