Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Tidbits

Boy, Suzie sure is fired up these days! To say she is excited is an understatement. She is to the point where if she wakes up early: Forget about going back to sleep. Her mind won't let her. She is totally pumped with wedding-planning fever.

I still haven't told everyone in my family about our getting married. I know--I'm bad. I've still got to tell my brother in Atlanta and my sisters. I guess I don't feel as connected with members of my family as other people do with theirs. I don't know what instilled that way of thinking. It was apparently something in the way my parents raised us because everyone else in my family is the same way. Anyway, I'll get em all contacted in the next day or two I'm sure.

Denis dropped by last night and we yakked for a couple hours. He dropped off a box full of Harley stuff that he was getting rid of. Magazines, books (nice ones), memorabilia, and even a Harley phone. He's been out of work for a while now, and he's been doing a lot of housecleaning. He's been selling stuff on Craigslist and making runs to the Goodwill.

Work actually hasn't been bad this week in the absence of Bruce. I feared the worst. I guess he timed it pretty well because we haven't had a lot of turmoil and crazed running around that tends to happen there lately on busy days.

This is a time of year that makes it hard to ride the Harley to work. You know it's going to be warm in the afternoon, but it's totally frozen in the morning at 5:30 when I leave for work. Basically, it's "No pain, no gain" as far as riding goes. I suffer in the morning if I want to enjoy the ride home this afternoon. Oh well... It just reinforces the image that I'm a real biker I guess.

Yeah, right...

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