Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Fright Fest that Fizzled

Yep, fizzled, failed, flopped... There are lots of F-words I can think of to describe last night's Halloween (or lack thereof).

You know what? It pays to do your homework before assuming something without facts or data. Take last night's Halloween for example. I now live in a townhouse with many townhouses on either side of me, and directly across the street is a huge apartment complex--And not the best apartment complex either. I'm pretty sure it doesn't cost an arm and leg to live there. Those are the kind of places where kids usually take advantage of something like Halloween. Free goodies for free--Goodies that they might not normally get at home for whatever reason. Anyway, I assumed that I would have a lot of trick-or-treaters. To further fuel that stupid assumption, I bought two (yes, 2) big bags of candy.

I had six. Yes, six total trick-or-treaters. That translates to 3 times someone was at the door.

I was actually pissed off about it last night. I felt like such a fool. I usually don't pull anything so blatantly assumptive, especially by the amount of excess that I piled on. I should consider myself lucky I guess, because I didn't go nuts on any decorations or anything. I guess it being my first Halloween in my own place, I blindly overlooked common sense and logic in favor of hope and expectation. It was like another milestone that I was reaching in this year of lifestyle change.

Now I've got candy. Lots of candy. I'm damn sure not going to eat it all. Don't get me wrong--I like candy as much as the next guy, but I don't need to go overboard on candy. After all, I'm trying to get myself into a little better physical shape. I'll end up taking the bulk of it to work I'm sure.

When I dropped Sarah off at her house yesterday after school, I went in for a while. One thing let to another and I ended up helping her carve her Halloween pumpkin. That was probably the high point the day for both of us. She didn't go out trick-or-treating this year for the first time, and didn't quite know what to do with herself. She called later and we talked for a while and we laughed about my candy excess. They had over 40 people at their house, which is down from the usual 75-ish they usually have every year. It couldn't have been the weather, because it was clear and cold and beautiful for it. It had to have been the fact that it was on a Tuesday night.

(sigh) Anyone want some candy?

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