The Return of "The Hum"
Those of you that have followed my blogging for some time may recall a post I made in my other blog (I should have archived that blog before deleting it) about The Hum. Fortunately, it's not anywhere as bad as it was last time it surfaced, but it's there nonetheless.
What is this hum you ask? Well, if you Google Taos Hum or Bristol Hum you will learn all about it. Although both of those are heard by lots of people in their area, mine is heard by me and me alone. It's almost a constant humming sound, but has just enough variation that it almost sounds like someone's radio playing in the distance or a car idling somewhere outside. Funny thing though--When you open a window there isn't a sound out there.
It's both spooky and a nuisance. Last time it drove me nuts. I had it for about a week I think, and it was loud. It definitely affected my sleep. This time I seem to be a bit more lucky. It's mild, but it still kinda pisses me off.
Yesterday was a great day. I spent almost the entire day indoors with a nice, hot wood fire and zilch clothing. Very relaxing.
I posted the pile of antique Kaypro computers on Craigslist this weekend. I hope to sell them just to get them out of here, but it would be nice to make a little coin on them too. So far I've had four responses, but none of them buyers. They were all guys wishing me the best, saying how much they wish they could buy them and relating stories of their past geek lives in the computer world of the mid 80's.
Looks like another dusting of snow last night... Just enough to put a little white on everything. We had the same thing Saturday night. I'm just happy it isn't windy out--I need to put my garbage and recycling out, and I really like it when I come home and the containers and lids are still here.
Back to work I go... It was a good 4-day weekend!
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