Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Birthday Today!

Happy Birthday to my son Mark in Los Angeles... I think he's 28 today. I know, I know... You're supposed to know that stuff about your kids, right? Well, I'm the absentee father, so as chickenshit as that excuse sounds, it's the one I'm going to run with. I sent him a card with a nice note in it a couple days ago, so at least I'm trying.

My supervisor came back to work yesterday after a week and a half in Florida. He is dark. There were a lot of jokes (yes, bordering on racism) along those lines. It's good to have him back. He was pleasantly surprised with how little he had to come back to. Usually he comes back to a huge list of things that are broken, burnt, inoperative, etc. This time I took care of all of them except one little thing. Although I am able to do many of those things, I'm spreading myself pretty thin doing it, because I have regular duties to do as well, and he doesn't. Maintenance is his main function.

I went to Sarah's tennis game at her school after work and watched her bunch stomp the other team. For some reason it doesn't seem like the same quality of tennis as I'm used to seeing. Nobody seems to be trying any more. I don't know.

Yesterday morning before work I changed her cell plan features to stop the automatic "top up" on the account, and changed the texting back to flat 5 cents in/5 cents out. I'm just trying to use up what's there because supposedly she and Teresa's new phones and service will be starting Friday. I'm just trying to make a smooth transition.

I didn't feel like doing and work on the Harley last night because I got home a little later after watching tennis. I did a little work on the website pertaining to the facelift, but my head wasn't in it. Evening isn't my best time to do stuff like that. Weekend mornings are when I get the most done on tedium like that.

Well, that's enough for now... Almost time to go to work.

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