Where to Start?
I'm so behind I don't know where to begin posting so I'll just plod along.
First of all... Emma is fine. It turns out that the surgical procedure was a non-cutting one. It involved some sort of catheter thing that injected some sort of substance into the opening of the kidneys. If it worked, it is supposed to have created exit valves to stop the reflux. I'm not sure how long it will be before anyone knows if it "took" or not. Mark said she was up and running around like nothing happened after she awoke and everything wore off. Glad to hear it!
Saturday was a pretty productive day, garage-wise. I ended up finishing my traffic light. I've had the thing for so long, and it's now 100% finished and standing in my living room. It actually looks pretty good! I know, I know--I should have taken a picture of it to post here, but I didn't. I'll get one up here one of these days.
Saturday was my dad's birthday and I had to wander around trying to find something for him. I ended up at a "chocolate art" place here in town. They make things out of gourmet chocolate using molds for the most part. They sell all kinds of cool things made out of chocolate. For instance, they have a whole area just with chocolate belt buckles. Anyway, the old man likes dark chocolate so I bought him a few things along those lines, as well as a little box of dark chocolate butter creams. I guess I did well, because he was raving around how good their chocolate was and was nibbling the whole time I was there. I really wasn't in the mood to visit, so I left after having a piece of cake and hanging out for about 45 minutes. I guess because I spent so much time wandering around town and wasting my day that I just wanted to get back to my world. How selfish.
I also finished the rear fender on the Harley Saturday. I didn't get around to taking it over to Denis' house though until yesterday. When I went over to his house, he was surprised that I didn't have it over earlier in the week, as nice as the weather had been. I told him that every time I thought I was ready I would find something else on it that wanted to tweak. At any rate, it's in his capable hands now for bondo and primer. He and I agreed that it's going to be a challenge to get it looking decent. I will require hammering and bondo to get it looking right, but I know he can do it.
I invited Sarah and Teresa over for burgers on the grill for dinner yesterday. Both of them came over sporting their new cell phones courtesy of T's brother's service that they're both signed up to. I have to admit, new Razr phones are a far cry from the little phone that I use (and that Sarah used until Friday). She was sure having fun learning all it's features. Teresa didn't seem to be having any trouble using hers, but then she only really uses it for a phone. When she tries to do texts she still has trouble. It was a good visit with both of em, and that's what counts.
I have finished playing "catch-up" with my Harley website and my project. By that I mean that I have everything I've done up to this point all on there with pictures. Although it's linked on my website, you can just go here to jump to it.
Well, it's almost time to face the Monday...
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