Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Brave Boy

So I stopped at the Fred Meyer store across the street from me on the way home yesterday to buy some groceries. I had just walked up to the self-check line and witnessed the tail end of a tirade.

A guy, maybe 35 or so, and his boy, who was maybe 10, had just completed a checkout purchase. Apparently, he didn't get some sort of discount for using your own shopping bag or something... The details of that I don't know. I only know what I witnessed.

He storms off, leaving his items there at the self-check stand, making some comment about not shopping there any more.
"Come on Dylan!" he hollers not even looking back.
"But sir, you paid for those items. They're yours," the cashier says after him.
His son Dylan is looking around at the other shoppers nervously, and starts to get their purchases. Dad hollers again, "Dylan... Leave it." Dylan doesn't quite know what to do. Again, the cashier tells him he has paid for the items, they're his. Dylan nervously picks up the things and has just exited the self-check area when Dad-from-Hell storms back, rips the items out of his son's hands and literally throws them on the floor.

The sales gal is nervous and scared and calls for a manager to come down there 'right now' and also asks if a few of us in the area would remain in case she needs witnesses.

A minute or so after dad and son have left the store, Dylan came back in. Looking brave, scared, and blank-faced all at the same time, he quietly picked up the items, occasionally looking around at all the people watching him. My heart went out to him. I'll never forget the look on his face.

Dylan has got a lot going for him... Except to have to put up with a father like he has.

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