Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Strange End to Summer

If that's indeed what it is. I sure feels like it's ended.

This has been the coolest, wettest, worst August I can ever recall in my lifetime. Come on--Mid 60's?! What is wrong with this picture? Don't the weather gods know how much I hate clothing? I have had to change plans umpteen times in the last few weeks. As a matter of fact, I have been having to throw a light robe on while I'm sitting here having my morning coffee. Sunday I almost turned my heat on (gasp!) Almost.

No, it's just not right for August.

What's really pissing me off is the fact that it's starting to look like it might ruin Nudestock. It's coming up this Saturday, and according to a couple of online weather reports, one says a high of 70 with showers, and the other says mostly sunny with a high of 68. Hey, it's either or... Same thing only they vary by two degrees. All I know is, that kind of weather is not a nudist's favorite. It will probably have an effect of crowd turnout for sure. Oh well, if I do go and that's the case, the pool and hot tubs won't be quite as crowded. Nudestock is the biggest event all year at their facility, and I have been looking forward to it since last year!

Sarah has had a renewed interest in getting her driver's license lately, and yesterday Teresa took her down and she passed the written part of her test. I have talked with Teresa over the phone about her a few times, and she expressed a certain doubt about how "one-sided" it will be between Sarah and her boyfriend as far as the car thing goes. Apparently he's even more lazy than Sarah is (like me she's not a real "ball of fire"), and Teresa feels that Sarah will be investing all this time and trouble and money without seeing any reciprocation from him. It's not like Sarah has a source of income either, although she has also expressed an interest in putting out some job applications. That's a bit of a "Catch-22" really, because you almost can't have one without the other. Teresa has fixed Sarah up with a debit card (Sarah's account) so we'll see how that goes. Generally she is pretty good with money. I was talking to Sarah last night, and asked her if she remembered how much it cost me on our vacation to fill her car up with gas each time. She was close... But the point was how big of a chunk of cash it costs to operate a vehicle these days. The good thing is, Sarah has gotten to be a pretty good driver (Teresa's words) so I feel better about that at least.

I spent a little time over there talking with Sarah after work yesterday, and she showed me an artwork that she had finally finished that had been started in the final months of art class at school. She's very good! I would love to have her do a picture for me that I could treasure for the rest of my life. She also showed me her new ASB card (registration for the school year was just recently) and she has a very good picture on it. She has gotten very photogenic recently. She had an awkward era there (like all teenagers do) where she was trying to keep up with everything her body was throwing at her, but she really looks confident and beautiful in her pictures these days.

Well, the migration of chatters from Yahoo to Paltalk has been amazing. The new chat client works so well and everybody is having a great time. It was good to see Rhon make her way on there for the first time last night as well, and it was surprising to me (and probably to her as well) how many folks she knew in the room from her past chatting experiences.

One thing that reared its ugly head recently was weather-based. At least the findings were weather-based. All that work I did on my car--Gutting the whole interior and putting a new heater core in was mostly for naught. Apparently only a small portion of the leakage that was coming out of my heater was actually antifreeze from the heater core (I know some of it was because you could smell it). I drove the car somewhere Sunday after it had been sitting in the rain all day Saturday and was pissed to find a gusher of water come down through the heater when I turned a corner! Argghh! See, all cars have a "dead space" around the area of wiper linkage where inside meets outside. In other words, water from outside my enter these spaces (it has to really) but is funneled back out--Usually down either side of the firewall. I guess there is a seam leak somewhere in my car, and although fixing those water leaks is usually a cheap and straightforward thing, finding it or accessing it isn't. I may have to dissect the whole interior again just to do water tests.

I feel like sending both my car and my truck to the crusher and starting over...

Well, it looks like I need to ride the Harley to work the next couple of days so I can take advantage of the weather. That always makes getting off work doubly special!

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