A Dark and Boring Evening
This time of year is such an emotional roller-coaster ride sometimes, you know? I think I'd like to blame it about 50-50 on the lack of daylight hours and the lack of heat.
I like heat. Probably more than daylight even. Heat to me means comfort and less (if any at all) clothing. Not everyone feels that way about warm temps like I do. The darkness I think is what takes a lot out of me. It makes me not want to go anywhere and makes me think about going to bed sometimes at 8pm or thereabouts. It's just weird.
Sarah's Christmas present showed up at work yesterday so that's one thing I don't have to worry about. I haven't opened it yet, but I will one of these days. If not just to make sure it works right, but also to load all the software she will need onto it. I also need to come up with a good picture to use as a desktop. I think it should have a Merry Christmas on it as well. I'll figure something out.
My own computer here has been giving me fits. I sensed that the main hard drive was failing. It's a 200-gig unit that has been residing as my C drive since I bought it a year or so ago. The old 120-gig hard drive that I did have as my C drive was moved to D-drive position at that time, taking up the position of "second fiddle." The other day I swapped em back, wiping the 120 clean and installing Windoze fresh. I had to be so careful moving files though because the "old" C drive (which is now D) is acting up so much. It would make a single click sound and the whole computer would lock up. After I swapped em to the way they are now and reloaded, it was still doing it. Yesterday I completely unhooked the problematic 200 from the system. So far no lockups. I have to hook it back up and get the rest of my files off it though. All in good time...
We still haven't gotten much rain since I sealed the Neon with 5 lbs. of silicone sealant the other day. We did get some the other night, but I don't know how much really because it was at night time and I was sleeping. No leak so far though. Yay!
The truck is another story. I went down and bought a new starter after work yesterday (I didn't trust the old one even though it seemed intact). I just know it was refusing to turn over last time I tried to start it. After I put the new one in, it did the same thing. Obviously there is a bad cable/connection issue in there somewhere.
True to Craigslist form, I keep getting people that respond to my ad and want my chin-up exercise thing. So far I've had 3 people in 3 days that "want it" but guess how many have shown up so far? Zip. Zero. Zilch. I've said it once, and I'll say it again: Craigslist is just too easy for people to speak up and say "Yo!" at the drop of a hat. Actually putting their shoes on and driving their car to another town and shelling out cash is truly another story.
I still don't have all the balls on my Christmas tree yet. I keep getting sidetracked and haven't sat down to put hooks in all of em yet. I have the top 25% of the tree finished so far. I looks pretty plain, but that's okay... It's just like my house. And me. We're all plain.
One bright spot is that I did manage to get some Thanksgiving leftovers. I haven't enjoyed them yet, but I plan to tomorrow. Teresa came over on Sunday to have me blow out her furnace filter and to help her order a video game console online for Sarah. I found a spot where she could order it with no tax and free shipping. She left me a bunch of stuff from their Thanksgiving meal. Pretty nice of her.
Well, I guess I'll get a shower and get ready for bed. Wow, I made it to 9 o'clock so far!
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