Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Post-Black Friday Sunday Report

Well, here it is--The last day of the 4-day weekend.

I went out and got my tree the other day, and spent a little while putting it together to make sure it was all okay.

One thing led to another:

  1. I decided to move the exercise stand I had next to my TV and put the tree there.
  2. Before I moved it, I decided to take some pictures of it and put it up for sale on Craigslist.
  3. After I did that, I took it apart (not totally--I left it in large pieces).
  4. When the exercise thing was out of the room, I started running the vacuum around where it was.
  5. That led me to vacuum the whole damn house, even switching over to the handheld vacuum for cobwebs.
  6. After hours, I finally moved the new Christmas tree to its new home. A perfect fit!
That all took place on Friday after I came in from filling the leaky area of my Neon with silicone sealant to stop it's leak. Hopefully I got it all sealed up okay. I had to act that day because it was such a nice, sunny day.

Yesterday was spent indoors with the wood stove blazing. It was so cozy! I even went down the street to the corner and scooped up a bunch of pine needles that I put in a pan of water and have that sitting on top of the wood stove. It smells up the house nicely. Later on in the afternoon I went out and bought myself some balls to decorate the tree with. I still haven't put all that stuff on it yet, but at least it came with the lights already on it. I hate putting lights on a Christmas tree. Hate, hate, hate.

I already got one hit on the exercise thing. Hopefully I'll get that sold and out of my way. I'm tired of looking at it.

I spent a couple hours yesterday tearing Sarah's digital camera all apart, hoping to find just a dirty circuit board contact under the buttons or something, but alas... It appears to be history. It recently lost almost all it's functions. Hardly any of the buttons do anything any more. Time for a new one I guess. Maybe her mom can put that on her Christmas list.

Well, I'm going to go get a shower and go pick Sarah up. We're going to Bed Bath & Beyond so I can get a little food chopper (hand-smackin' variety) and then we'll do a walk around the mall while we're there.

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