Saturday, January 05, 2008

A Late Friday Night

I haven't stayed up until 1am in ages! It wasn't my plan to stay up that late of course, but sometimes things click and time goes whoosh.

Sue came over last night right after work. She is working on a website aimed to make her some money and hopefully enable her to become self-sufficient. In a best-case scenario she would like to be able to give up her under-appreciated position at La Croix Industries. That right there would be a great thing for her. I had mentioned at work yesterday that I had software that may help her do her site building tasks a little more easily, so she came over to see what it was all about.

She came bearing 1-lb. square of carrot cake as a thank-you offering, which was a very nice thing. The reason I know it was 1 pound? I weighed it! She laughed at that, but hey--That's me. I fed us salad and lasagna, and we drank Blue Moon ale all evening.

She came over for software reasons, but I know it is friendship and level of comfort that made her feel at home enough to kick the shoes off and stay as long as she did. We talked about everything!

Isn't it funny how people do that? When someone feels a level of comfort and trust, they open up--The words, the stories, the sharing of personal secrets--They just flow effortlessly. If that level of comfort doesn't exist do you think any of that kind of thing would take place? No way.

One odd thing about our friendship is a sort of self-imposed "barrier of respect" that I seem to have erected in my mind. It's hard to put into words. See, I'm a hugger. I love hugging and love being hugged back (I apparently didn't get enough when I was growing up). My ideal hug is a kind of long by hug standards... Say, 5-10 seconds. I don't consider a hug to be the stereotypical "next level" because I associate that term with dating, but regardless--It is another level of friendship to me. Doesn't that seem weird? I mean, it's one thing when a hug is mutual and just "happens" but it's an entirely different thing when you want to say, "Can I give you a hug?" when you say goodnight. I like Sue an awful lot as a great friend, and I've shared things with her that I don't share with just anybody, but when you couple the desire to hug with coworker status, it just doesn't quite feel right.

I know that I always over-analyze things, but that's me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some deep thoughts on a simple action. I like that.
