Random Tidbits of my Monday
It was a good day. The drive to work was nothing--Even though there was snow on the ground. Usually people here go whacko and start calling a little half inch dusting of snow "Winter Storm 2008" or something like that. Even though we're fairly far north here, due to geographic features in the area we on the western side of the state don't usually get much snow. Due to that and the fact that many people that live here came up from California, many people don't know how to drive in snow, and that creates quite the chaotic situation when we get some.
Sarah's new camera showed up yesterday just like the tracking info said it would, but I haven't given it to her yet. I think I'll try to wait until the memory card shows up. If that's not going to happen soon I'll re-think it.
I got a hankering for meatloaf during the course of the day so I stopped by a couple stores and fixed myself up with what I needed. When I decided to have meatloaf, I have to jump right into it when I get home because of the prep involved. When I got the meatloaf finished and ready to put in, I cut up a bunch of potatoes for fried potatoes. When that was all done I texted Suzie and invited her over for dinner. My timing was excellent because she had just left work. She never needs an excuse to come here, but likes to get an invite anyway. Hell, who wouldn't? It assures you that you're really wanted. You know how it is--People will say, "Come by ANYtime!" but in reality they go "whew" when the door closes behind them. Not so with Suzie. If I go "whew" when she leaves, it's for a totally different reason! Love that "whew" factor...
Right after I finished prepping my meatloaf and stuff I got a call from Teresa wondering if I had any gas in a can. Apparently she was driving Sarah's car over to Sarah's friend's house to pick her up and ran out of gas. Ha, she should know better! She totally knew it was that low but thought she could make it to picking her up and then hitting a gas station. Wrong! Anyway, I have a gas can but didn't have any gas. She had almost made it to the people's house when she called and was walking there as she called. About the time I told her I didn't have any gas she had just gotten there and was telling them what had happened. I guess they handled it at their end because I didn't hear back.
Right before that I got a short call from my dad, thanking me profusely for fixing his slide projector. It's funny when he does that. I don't know if he has a momentary lapse of "feelgood" or my mom is standing behind him with a rolling pin poised over his head. Either way, it was nice of him.
Suzie and I decided last night that we should tell Elaine about us. We both like Elaine and she is such a good friend that we felt that if we were going to share it with anyone it should be her. She's practically family to me, and we've shared many stories and details of each others' lives over the years. How and when we tell her remains to be seen though.
We both feel the same though--Like when you have something amazing going on inside you and you want to jump up on a fence and shout it to the world, you know? Maybe part of you wants the scream it and part of you wants to keep it private so you have something to smirk about. That's probably what Mona Lisa had on her mind when she posed for her famous portrait.
You think?
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