It Seems So Wrong
I have caught someone's cold. It's almost July for crying out loud, and it just seems wrong! People aren't supposed to get sick in the middle of summer. I used to always thump myself on the chest and proudly say, "I never get sick. People can sneeze right in my face and I never catch it." Well, strike that. Apparently, that is just another thing that is changing as I age.
It's been a little strange having Sarah here this week. Even though she is away as much as she possibly can be (like any other teenager would) she still throws a certain amount of chaos into my little world of predictability. Last week she stayed overnight at her friend Megan's house twice, and that translated into being gone pretty much the whole day before and the whole day after. I'd like to think she's getting used to seeing her old man with a strange woman because she seems to be warming up to Suzie a little. I'm sure it's still weird to her and probably always will be.
I ended up working some overtime this week. We have been hit with a lot of jobs from Boeing as of late, and I'm the first one impacted because I'm the receiving guy. One day when the truck from our main Boeing raw materials supplier showed up we got 17 orders worth of material. Later that same day a semi from Yellow Trucking stopped in with 10 more orders from the same company. I don't mind telling you--27 orders worth of material in one day is far and away the record since I've worked there. Add to that the usual things I get from UPS and other outfits and it's no wonder I needed to put some overtime to get caught up.
Our weather has finally turned to summer, and I have been riding the Harley to work more often. I think I rode it three days last week. Maybe four--I'm not sure. Friday was the day Suzie and I were looking for so we could lie in the sun and reflect on our work week and drink beer. It may have been the first time she was greeted at the door by a naked man (not counting when the Witnesses go door knocking) but she never did answer me. I also played naked chef, whipping us up some breaded, pan-fried Tilapia. She's not much of a seafood person, but she liked it. Hmm... Maybe it was just the presentation?
Yesterday we went hiking. I don't know if I have ever been hiking for the sake of hiking. In other words, I have hiked trails a little bit, but only because we were already out there camping when we did it. I have never driven to a hiking trail to go hiking. What made it weird was that Sarah went too! That's just not something I would picture her doing voluntarily, but she accepted. She then asked if her friend Megan could go too, which of course I was all for. Her mom called right before we left yesterday morning and she was practically floored that Sarah was going to go hiking with us. (Sarah is not much of an energy person.) Suz has been hiking a lot over the years, but not anything in the last few years. Basically, we were all newbies. Because of that we chose an easy hike just outside of Enumclaw called Greenwater lakes. The four of us had a great time. I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't get one single mosquito bite. One thing I did totally wrong was not eating a good breakfast first. I had my coffee and two pieces of toast, and that is just not enough. Add to that the fact that I'm getting a cold and I'm totally out of shape and it was a recipe for feeling lightheaded and seeing spots on occasion. It was a hot day yesterday too, and that didn't help much. All in all, a very good day though.
I think I'm going to go down to a nearby business and apply for a job in the next couple of days. I was planning it for tomorrow after work, but I need to evaluate my cold and whether or not I can "sell myself" properly. I like to look and feel upbeat when I apply for a job because it shows. The place is called NW Territorial Mint. It would be cool to get this job because it is so close by, and given the gas scenario these days, riding a bicycle to work would be too cool. As I have mentioned before, I have been getting increasingly disgruntled with my current employer. Not the job, but the employer. Things are just going too wrong around there and I need to get out.
Looks like another hot summer day today!