Getting Used to a Roommate
It appears I have Sarah living with me for a week and a half.
Although there has been some talk about the potential of it happening from time to time I never read much into it. The way Teresa is, she is always "crying wolf" and I guess I just figured that Sarah would go with her when she went to eastern Washington to visit her friend like she always used to. Not this time. I have Sarah here until about the 4th of July.
It's very weird for me. It's odd enough that I have a "roommate" so to speak, but Sarah and I have a strange sort of relationship. We get along fine, but we're not close like we should be. If we were she would have stayed here whenever she could way before now. This is probably only the third time in two years that she has stayed overnight. Not very good for a father/daughter relationship is it? Obviously, it's something in my parenting skills (or lack thereof) that created what we have. I guess I should count my lucky stars that we have a relationship, as many split parents and their kids don't even have that much.
She has her car currently removed from her. For once her mom actually "stuck to her guns" and did something she was threatening to do. She told Sarah if she didn't have a job lined up by the end of the school year she would have to park her car.
So anyway, now I have to learn to close doors, be respectful of noise, wear clothes, and keep food on hand that I might not normally buy. Now she has to get used to jiggling my toilet when it doesn't shut off, and picking up her messes. Now I have to provide transportation on occasion and keep tabs on her whereabouts. Now she has to keep me informed of her whereabouts. Now she has to get used to seeing Suzie around all the time. Now Suzie and I have to get used to seeing Sarah around all the time.
Sure, her mom deserves a vacation and it's probably good for me and Sarah--It's just so weird!
P.S. The pictures from the Fremont Fair are up, check em out!
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