That Travelin' Bone
I don't know what it is about me that does this, but it seems to happen from time to time. I get a taste of something and I let go of my grip on the handrail and jump in with both feet.
This time it seems to be that I have a bit of the Travelin' Bone.
Part of me keeps thinking back to our Harley adventure this last weekend. The smells of the forest, the bright greens of the new spring growth on everything, the boulders, the rivers--You name it. This time of the year is the prettiest time to travel in this state--Especially over mountains or around the mountain highways.
I mentioned this to Suz last weekend: Little by little people that inhabit the greater Seattle/Tacoma area have spread out. I've lived here all my life so I know: What once were rural lands are now connected routes leading from one area of urban sprawl to another. Little by little we have been "removed" from the wilderness that we took for granted growing up here in this beautiful state of Washington, but it's happened in slow motion and many of us haven't noticed. Add to that the effect that media has on us, and we spent all our free time either watching TV or attending "cultural events" or other "happenings" that are wall-to-wall people. Sure, they're both fun, but getting out there past civilization is what we need to keep doing to remind ourselves why we actually ended up living or staying here in Washington State.
Here's another thought: Gas prices have probably been a good thing for the wilderness. There are probably fewer and fewer folks willing to get into their gas-guzzling urban assualt vehicles to explore our beautiful mountain highways. From what I saw this last weekend, it still looks like it did in my memory: Clean and litter-free. I'd like it to stay that way.
You know what though? We still have the ultimate way to explore our state as long as we have motorcycles. The ability to follow a hawk with your eyes as it flies overhead, the ability to smell the pine needles as roll past--Those are great things to experience. Add to that the fact that motorcycles get good gas mileage. One thing they are not (nor will they ever be) are "comfort vehicles" so they require you to stop occasionally (unless you're a masochist), rub your ass, and take in your surroundings. That means you get off, take deep breaths, comment on how beautiful it is there, and reach for your camera.
Yep, got that Travelin' Bone. Let's hit the road!
1 comment:
So, what, are you reading my mind again Babe? Let's GO!!
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