Thursday, October 05, 2006

No News is Good News?

Lately I just haven't had anything to write about.

It's not that there's nothing going on--There's always something going on. No, it's just that the creative juices that usually lead to my writing just aren't flowing. Sometimes it doesn't bother me and I just write the boring, mundane stuff that looks like a minute-by-minute account of how much of a yawner my day was. Other times I just think it's a waste of my time to do so. Besides, who wants to read stuff like, "I woke up... Scratched my ass... Then I walked downstairs and turned on the coffee pot... Then I... yada, yada, yada..." Am I right?

I finally took the "Geek" stuff off my website. Times have changed and I was way behind. I had stuff on there about sharing your Internet connection in your house among multiple computers. How archaic! Nowadays you can buy a router that will do the same thing right out of the box. Add the fact that more and more people are going wireless, and it just solidifies the fact that those pages on my website were long, long obsolete.

I've been running the press at work lately, and unlike earlier last week, it's going very smoothly. Translation: I have had time for my mind to wander. It's times like these when I do some of my deep thinking about things. I have to watch out though, because it's also times like that when a problem in the parts I'm making could develop and I might not see it soon enough and end up making a bunch of scrap.

So what have I been thinking about? I've mostly been thinking about my relationship (or lack thereof) with my son Mark and his family. So with such a good subject to write about, why don't I write about that instead? I probably will, but I haven't decided exactly on my next course of action. I'm considering a long, careful letter to them with my thoughts. I feel like I want to send it to his wife Dana as the primary recipient though. Women are so much better at delving into matters of the heart, and she probably has considerable insight as to what's going on anyway. I think I will follow my usual M.O. when drafting an important letter: Write in it over a course of a few days, constantly reading and re-reading it and making adjustments and changes. That way an emotion that may have been dominant one particular day won't overwhelm the whole thing.

One thing I'm not sure of though, and I would like my readers to give me your input in my comments section: I would like to give his wife the link to this blog so she can monitor my activities. Should I? I don't think I have anything to hide, and I think it may be good. I doubt if Mark would be interested in such things, but you never know. At the risk of stereotyping, women just seem to like to follow things like this more than men do.

You know, now that I think about it, I do have a lot to write about.

1 comment:

Rhon said...

I think you will always find something to write about; shades of Hemmingway quietly reside in a dark part of your soul. As far as Dana knowing about your blog, its public record and a damn fine one hon. I would just be sure that she and Mark both knew, give him the option to read or not to read.