Sunday, October 08, 2006

Some Things are just Wrong

I flipped open a website that I use all the time today, and was somewhat taken aback.

You know the kind of websites like Google news, or Yahoo news, or something like that where they have all the latest headlines from all over the world? I use all the time for my weather and stuff, and it also has important news headlines on it. At least it did. This one struck me as odd. With ALL the news in ALL the world, the headline that they decided was most important was this:

Pitt, Jolie Give Son a Ride in Rickshaw

Now isn't that just odd? I had no idea that it was more important than war... More important than elections, More important than economic news. I shouldn't be surprised I guess--After all, the real editor is probably off work on Sundays right? They probably have a janitor making the editorial decisions today. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone responsible at for making sure I didn't miss that one! Now I'll be able to sleep tonight.

You know what? I'll bet that's what has been bugging me lately. Something in the back of mind that I haven't been able to put my finger on. Yeah, that's got to be it:

I've never ridden in a rickshaw.

1 comment:

Rhon said...

Nice rant baby...nice rant. I love seeing that side of you on occasion, its crossed my mind at times that your just too nice a person. Its really good to know you are normal.