Saturday, October 07, 2006

Saturday Evening... Whew

It feels good to sit down.

I know you're going to read this Rhon... You owe me $75. I've been chasing washers and dryers all day it seems like. I went up to look at a set in Seattle near Swedish Hospital, but they were completely devoid of any features. The washer had a switch that said Cold/Warm/Hot and the timer knob and that was it. The dryer needed a timer, and was equally bare bones. The reason it needed a timer is because although the dryer worked fine (it was on when I showed up) the timer didn't count down, so you had to set a kitchen timer or something to keep from burning your clothes up. Thanks but no thanks, man. They looked like they were on their last legs.

That deal proved the old garage sale rule that I came up with a few years ago: The better the advertising, the worse the sale or product is. I've proved it time and time again. That ad had lots of information and great pictures. Too great. The pictures looked WAY better than the set did. On the other hand, the set that I did buy had a teeny ad with NO pictures or info to speak of. And they're a lot newer and match and everything. With all the hoses. I went over to Fred Meyer and bought a tarp to wrap them up nicely with. I'll leave them in the back of my truck until it's time to deliver them. I didn't really have room for them in the garage, nor did I feel like unloading them and reloading them all by myself (I've done it before... I know!).

Also during he course of the day, I got the data cable in the mail that I ordered earlier in the week. That's the one that lets you connect your cell phone to the computer to upload wallpapers and ringtones. Anyway, they sent the wrong one. Dumbasses.

In between washer and dryer jaunts, I also found myself at Walmart, and bought myself more bachelor stuff. This time I bought an iron and an ironing board. I have a ton of nice, shortsleeved cotton button-down shirts that I can't wear because they look like I found them wadded up in a couch cushion. It's about time I addressed that shortcoming. 'Course, just because I have them doesn't mean I'll use them... ;-)

I received such a pleasant surprise last night when I got a chat invite from my son Mark! He saw me online and buzzed me, and that totally made my day. We chatted for a long time... I'm sure it was over a half hour, but who's counting? The point is, he's back. There were a lot of issues for him to grapple over concerning his "extended" family up here. Things like who should know, how much should they know, was he ready or even able to deal with all of it... etc, etc, etc. I totally understand what he was going through as far as all the uncertainty and the fact that it was all so overwhelming to him. I totally accept that he was ducking me while he sorted it all out. Most of us probably would have done exactly the same thing. Fortunately for all involved, he had an epiphany of sorts, and he's in with both feet. I'm so glad!

Welcome aboard, Mark, Dana, and Emma... I've missed you all. A lot.

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