Friday night Suzie and I were just getting ready for bed when she remembered she was supposed to check on her son's kittycat to make sure she was indoors while they were out of town camping.
"Oh shoot, I forgot to check on Denny's cat. I'd better run up and do that," she said with a sigh.
She was in her jammies and brushing her teeth when she had that amazing revelation. I was wearing even less than that, but was equally ready for bed. Being the nice guy, but I offered to go with her, so I put some jammie bottoms and some kind of shirt for a jacket and away we went. Just outta town we were stopped by a slow, lumbering freight train.
"Aren't we just something else," Suzie said, "Sitting here in a car at 10:30 on a Friday night in our jammies, watching a train while on our way to check on someone's cat."
"At least we've got blog fodder." I said.
Well, the cat was already indoors, and because Suz went and checked she was able to sleep without worrying.
Speaking of blog fodder, how about this cartoon? It's getting to be a sign of the times:
Okay, let me back up a bit. As soon as I got home from work on Friday I ordered a pizza for us to be ready an hour later. I had just gotten back home and was washing dishes when Suzie showed up. We sat around talking for a bit and I told her we couldn't cook the pizza yet because I was waiting for a phone call from a guy that had a bicycle for sale up on the hill here in Auburn. We had already communicated and he said he'd call when he got home after 6pm. Well, he did call and we zoomed up to check it out. It was beautiful! I ended up buying her a nice (hardly used) Diamondback Topanga mountain bike for $50. It was a steal and way better of a bike than I have. We were feeling pretty good when we came back home with it and went into pizza mode!
Yesterday was beautiful when we got up. The sun was out and it was so nice and warm! We were planning on going to a park here in town for an event they call "PetPalooza" to wander around and possibly take pictures, but it turned out that it was next weekend instead. Now we had 2 choices: Harley or mountain bikes? Well, we opted for black leather and asphalt, and we decided to take a trip over the mountains to see if we could find out where all her offspring were camped.
It was a fantastic ride out. When we stopped at the top of Snoqualmie Pass to pee it was in the upper 60's and sunny! We stopped for a quick lunch in Cle Elum before hooking up with them. They were camped at a beautiful spot about 15 miles farther south. We hung out with them for a couple hours, taking pictures of everything around us, then we headed out to come back home. When we headed over the pass to the Eastern side of Washington the clouds got a little thicker. It's usually the exact opposite. Anyway, the longer we stayed there the more cloudy it was getting, so we decided we should head out. I'm glad we did. All we got hit with was some drizzle once or twice for a few seconds. Because it was such an open area we were riding in we could see the areas of rain--The kind of areas where the clouds are streaking towards the ground--And they were all around us. It was awesome to be able to see all around us like that, but I'm glad we missed all the rain. The closer we got to home the nicer the weather got. You've gotta love that! By the time we got home at about 9pm and about 200 miles later, we were exhausted. Riding at 70+ for that long takes a lot out of you. Seats, wind, noise, temperature, vibration--It all takes its toll.
It was a fantastic day!