A Little of This... A Little of That...
That pretty much covers my weekend.
Friday is an easy one to report on--Not much happened there. I had a good day at work except for the stern "talking-to" I got from the boss... Basically for being too happy when I ring the office bell and announce incoming things like UPS arrivals and such. He thought the way I did it was basically like I was flipping the office workers off each time I did it. Well, can you guess who I'm flipping off now Phil? Suzie came over after work and we had a nice dinner from the oven: Whole chicken and baked potatoes. We finished off the evening by watching the first disc of Gangs of New York.
Saturday was a crappy day, weather-wise. We ended up driving around doing some shopping and other stuff. It was fun, but it was your typical mundane stuff. At one point Teresa called, frustrated (and rightly so) about Sarah. While she was on the phone I repeatedly had to hold the phone out from my ear because there was so much yelling going on between them. Whew. It was all about Teresa saying no to Sarah about going camping with her boyfriend. Supposedly there were to be adults, but it turned out that the "adults" were his older brother and who knows who. She said no and Sarah screamed bloody murder about her changing her mind. I told her no and keep saying no. I'm glad she did.
Yesterday was a much nicer day. I did some laundry and went out to the library to pick up a couple movies that were waiting for me. I took my camera with me in case anything came to mind while I was out and about. After I left there, I went by a local spot and bought some beer. I was feeling in a good mood and decided I'd swing by Teresa and Sarah's to see if anyone was bleeding or dead. Apparently Sarah had just left, but Teresa was out back wandering around. We talked a bit and all was well between them again. Whew. I asked her if there were any birds in either of her birdhouses on the outside of the garage yet, and she said there was. I got out my camera and tripod to see if I could catch some pictures of them. At that point I offered her a beer and we stood around talking and taking pictures and drinking beer for a while. It funny--Now that I think about it, we had a strange "distance" thing going on. Although we enjoyed visiting with each other, we kept a barrier of respect (for lack of a better explanation) between us as we yakked. We talked about a bunch of stuff: Sarah, the puppy, birds, school, Suzie (she's fine with her BTW), flowers, Sarah's boyfriend, senior pictures--You name it.
When I left there and went back home I got a text from Suz. She came over and we went out picture taking. We had a great time taking pictures at a local skate park. It was a beautiful day, and the place was pretty busy. We were almost celebrities it felt like. Boys are only too happy to have someone with "real" cameras taking pictures of them. The posing and showing off for action shots was the order of the day. We each got some great ones! Here's a sample:
From there we went over to another park and took a nature photography walk, stopping for closeups of plants and stuff. Finishing up and awesome day, we decided a pizza was in order.
Nicely done for a Sunday... They tend to be boring sometimes. Not yesterday!
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