Thursday, May 08, 2008

Scurrying Around

It's near the end of the evening and I'm just putting the finishing touches on packing for the weekend. I'm not very good at things like this, so just to counter any unknowns I usually pack too much stuff. I can pack real light if I have to, but when I'm traveling by car I usually say, "what the hell" and throw it all in there.

Suzie and I have been so looking forward to this little excursion all week. It's not the destination--After all, most people don't even know where Walla Walla is--Rather, it's just the adventure of it. It's our first real trip anywhere together. We're both sure we're going to have fun, even if the balloon festival is a bust (excuse the pun) due to weather or whatever. It's something we both want and need. It's a way for us both to have a mini-vacation away from LaCroix Industries.

We're both equally excited as far as the balloon festival thing goes too. We're both predecting some pretty awesome photo opportunities. Many of them will be in low light conditions probably, and those might be the most dramatic looking of all.

I have been emailing a guy that lives up in Duvall all week long about getting a part for my truck that he had advertised on Craigslist. One thing or another keeps coming up and I still haven't gotten to go up and get it. There has been contact, but it's sporadic at best. Screw him. I'm finished. Add him as a reinforcement to my adage that Craigslist people are DEADBEATS. I have things for sale also and have had numerous contacts in the last week and a half. Have I had anyone actually show up? Hell no!

Well, back to getting my stuff ready. Maybe I'll do my next blog post from a motel bed in beautiful downtown Walla Walla, Washington next time!

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