I'm Disgruntled Again
Not about my life. No, I am happy with the way my life is going (I had a very in there preceding happy, but decided my job could be better.)
I'm talking about web stuff this time.
I'm going to close down my Rix Pix blog. It is clearly lacking direction and results. What did I have for direction to begin with? Hmm. I guess when I started it I thought there would always be a clear winner to showcase from pictures I had taken during the week. You know what I've found? There never is. It's always something:
- Not enough pictures and having to "settle" on one
- Too many pictures and not being able to choose one
- Dealing with dimensional size limitations (the blog only shows a certain size, and even when you click it to show it full size, which size should I make the full size actually be?)
The other source of my disgruntledness (is that a word?) is my Harley site. I like the site and all, but I've been meaning to have all these pictures and things put up there and I don't know how I want to present it. I chronicled the entire upgrade process of my Harley last winter/spring, but when I put it all on the web I didn't like it and pulled it. There it sits. Again, I guess I'm thinking too much about it. Remember the old saying: K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Stupid. That's what I need to do I guess. I'm also toying with a "timeline" sort of a layout regarding the bike. Just basically have a running page that is paragraphed by date. That way I can just add an entry any time I need to. That may be more doable.
In the meantime, I'll keep thinking about it too much and not getting it done.
hey man, I tried to go look at your pix and they're gone! where'd they go?
Hey smarty pants... Why I oughtta...
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