Yesterday was awesome. Why? Two things happened yesterday: Sarah got her driver's license, and I went to Nudestock.
I was on pins and needles all morning waiting to hear the results of Sarah's driving test. As I said previously, Teresa took her to North Bend for her test, and it was slated to happen at 8:30, which is when they open. I was sitting around here all morning, nervous for her, hoping that she passed. I was also nervous because the weather at Nudestock was going to be substandard, and I had no idea what to take or do differently.
I was sitting at the computer chatting, making careful note of the time. 9 o'clock comes and goes. 9:30 comes and goes. Where was the phone call from Sarah or Teresa? I kept looking at my cell phone every time I nervously walked into the kitchen area, as if I was asking it, "Where's my fucking message, you lazy phone?" Finally, I just picked it up and took it with me upstairs to the computer. 10 o'clock comes and goes. I didn't dare call Sarah--What if she had the phone with her and was on her drive at that moment? Anyway, Nudestock starts the music at 11am, and I was running out of time. I showered quickly (with both phones nearby) and hurriedly got all my stuff together. By now 10:30 had come and gone. I took one trip out to the car and had come back for the last of the stuff, and as I picked up my cell phone, there onscreen was the "1 new text message" notification. I took a deep breath and nervously opened the phone, punched up the message, and there it was: I Passed! I gave a call and congratulated her and sped off in my car.
The weather in Auburn actually wasn't that bad. Sure, it was overcast, but it didn't look like rain or anything. The closer I got to the locale of the nudist park however, the worse it looked. I seriously wondered if I was out of my mind when I turned onto the wet dirt road that led to their haven. I paid, parked, and grabbed all my stuff. The first band was already playing. It hadn't rained yet, but it was only about 60 degrees, so for the first time in all the times I had been there I walked to the lawn area still wearing my shorts and t-shirt.
The crowd was very tiny compared to last year. I overheard one guy telling another later in the day that it was the smallest Nudestock turnout ever. Anyway, I sat down on my blanket and got into the music. There were plenty of nude people around, but I'd say way less than half the people were unclothed. Many of those that were dressed were only half dressed. Although you wouldn't normally think much about that statement, it was different at nudist park than anywhere else. There were many men and women wearing t-shirts and no bottoms, and many with bottoms and no tops. Yes, watching people dancing up there with bare asses under their t-shirts was truly unique!
At about noonish it was getting pretty warm so I dumped my clothes and headed for the hot tub. They were in high demand yesterday because of the crappy weather. There were many times I wanted to go in but couldn't. Anyway, I stayed nude from that time on, and little by little most folks finally shed their clothing as well.
I experienced a real light, misty rain at one point, so I rolled my blanket up a bit, covered my bags, and went for a swim in the pool. The pool felt really warm yesterday, obviously in comparison to the air temperature. By the time I got out it had stopped already, and it had hardly even gotten anything moist. The sun came out here and there, and when it did it was instantly 10 degrees hotter. Wow... It was literally like standing next to a hot oven and opening its door.
At about 4 o'clock or so our good luck came to an end. It came down pretty hard for about 10 or 15 minutes. I was into the whole experience at that point, and chose not to leave. I could have ran to my car and gotten an umbrella that I had in the trunk, but that would have still left my blanket and stuff to get soaked. No, I chose to stay sitting. After all, my blanket was nice and dry under my ass. Instead of running, I grabbed the front of my blanket and folded it over my lap and my bags, and draped one of my towels over my head. It was actually pretty cozy and comfortable. When that rain hit, all those dancing that had been wearing any clothing at all (a couple t-shirts I think were all) peeled em off and continued dancing in the rain. I would have done the same but for the fact that I don't really dance and had no dance partner anyway. The whole thing was really cool to experience though. Throughout it all, the pool and hot tubs remained unchanged of course.
After the rain stopped, I took my bag and cooler (they had remained dry under the blanket fortunately) to the car, then went back and gathered up the totally soaked blanket and towel. I had no intention of leaving at that point, but my "base camp" had been rendered pretty much useless. When I came back from my car, I wandered by the fire pit for the first time ever. They have an awesome fire pit dug that's carved into the ground, and it has benches lining it all the way around. I spent my last hour standing around the fire (which was huge), talking with people and enjoying the music. It was awesome! It was a totally cool way to spend my last hour of the day. At about 5 o'clock I could see an extremely ominous wall of gray coming our way. It was the kind of gray that meant 'rain squall' and because we were up on a hilltop, we could see it coming before it got there. At that time I decided that it was a good time to make my way out of there. I had just gotten to my car when it let loose. I'm sure there were still lots of folks dancing in it, but they were probably folks that had their RV's there, so how wet or cold they got really wouldn't have mattered much.
It was a fantastic experience, as Nudestock always is. All day long there were parasails lazily floating down, landing at a site that was just a short distance from us. They were all two-person rigs, operated by a school or service about a mile or two towards the town of Issaquah. Some of them spiraled down close enough that you could see them waving. There were a few vendors there too. The same guy that sells homemade soybean wax jar candles every year was there again, and I bought a lilac one. He has every scent you can imagine. I also bought a Nudestock 2007 t-shirt of course. They are only $10 and this years design is very cool! It has the look of the late 60's in it... I totally love it!
All in all, it was a very cool day of Nudestock, even if it was totally different weather than I would have liked.