Thursday, May 15, 2008

In the Blink of an Eye...

...Weekend plans can change. Suzie and I were planning to wander around the Monroe Swap Meet (it's BIG) this Saturday, a day when it is supposed to be pulling a total weather swing the other direction from what we're used to. They're saying low to mid 90's this Saturday, and we've been lucky to have even 60 degrees lately.

I talked to my mom the other day and she asked me if I was going to Buckley on Saturday.
"Sue and I are going to the Monroe Swap Meet on Saturday. What's going on in Buckley?" I asked.
"Gloria's funeral." she said. Gloria is Melinda's mother who died March 27th.
"Hmm... That's odd," I said, "she never told me about it."
She probably just forgot, or maybe she didn't tell me on purpose because she knows how much I hate funerals, but either way, I feel I should go. My dad would say, "I didn't get an invitation so I'm not going!" I could hear him hollering that in the background when my mom was on the phone with me. "He didn't get an invitation? I wouldn't go. I wouldn't go." I hate talking to my mom because it's never just her "on the phone". It's him too, listening and adding to everything she says. So anyway, I'm going to a funeral on Saturday instead.

Suzie was going to go with me, but then came news from her camp that she had a funeral on Saturday too! A close family friend suddenly died on Tuesday and they're having a funeral for her this weekend. My funeral is at 1pm in Buckley and her funeral is at 2pm in Covington. We're going to hit our own respective funerals and then she'll probably join up with me after hers. I'll probably still be in the area of the funeral drinking beers or something with all the family members. Not a good way to spend a 90+ degree day, but oh well.

In other news, I joined a picture-hosting site yesterday called SmugMug. It's the best out there and photographers swear by it for speed, usability, and everything. It's a pay site, but it's worlds away better than anything else out there from what everyone says. From what I've seen I believe it. It will allow me to post my pictures with no limitations. Unlimited storage, bandwidth, and picture size. I also posted a new addition to my personal website: A photography page. Gone is the page on nudism (there wasn't really anywhere I could go with that one) and now there is new info covering my return to the world of photography. The link to my pictures is in the menu on my photography page, but I'll give you a quick jump to it here over on my blog menu as well. So far only pictures of ballooning in Walla Walla have been posted. I'll get the rest up soon enough... Keep watching.

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