Thursday, March 13, 2008

Another Day, Another Tennis Match

Yesterday was Sarah's first tennis match of the season. It should have been the day before, but it was postponed due to rain. As usual, she did very well, but unfortunately she was paired with a pretty lousy player. It seemed like every time Sarah returned and excellent shot, her teammate blew it for them. They ended up losing badly. Their school won at least.

Sarah was so mad about the match that she actually called me after she got home and yakked good-naturedly about it. That's kind of rare for her to do that. Maybe it should happen more often? She never calls me unless she needs something.

I ended up playing the nice guy and taking Teresa with me. As I mentioned previously, the match was out in Bonney Lake and she always likes to car pool when she can. Sue doesn't like it when I do that, and frankly, it's grating on me too. I noticed yesterday that I changed the instant she got in the car. It's like my defenses went up. I try to just be nice and have conversation but found myself becoming easily annoyed. I would turn the music on and she would start talking. I would turn the music down and she would stop talking. I did it again and she did it again. Finally I left the radio off.

All those years and I never knew that she had a volume knob...

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