Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Weirdness at Work

No, I'm not talking about the Bobsey Twins this time--This one is about me. Well, mostly.

I guess it's fair to say that things are very weird at work without Sue there. I can't really vouch for the feelings of people within the confines of the front office, but I'm sure it's weird there too. The main thing is how everyone has to answer the phone when it rings instead of pretending they don't hear it.

What's weird is the things I caught myself doing. She usually comes in at 8 o'clock and I caught myself glancing at my watch before 8 on more than one occasion, then telling myself, "You dumbass... She's asleep in paradise right now." I would walk into the office and find myself automatically glancing toward her desk, then immediately brought back to reality by the sight of her dark, cold computer monitor. Having lunch in my comfy folding chair upstairs, I caught myself listening for her footsteps. Thinking of the almost daily occurrence of her coming to share some hugs and kisses with me on the sly. Nope, no such thing yesterday. It's funny how one person missing can have a dramatic impact on daily thoughts and activities.

Bernie (the frugal money-man of the LaCroix brothers) came out yesterday with one of those green hanging file folders. I watched in amazement as he carefully and completely repaired it with packing tape instead of throwing it out because it was worn through. It's possible that he's still in shock over having to shell out the money for a new (okay, new to us) company van. I'll bet he hasn't slept recently because of that one. I suppose we'll end up moving the old van in and out of the shop every night for several years just like we did with previous vehicles they got rid of. They have a bad habit of trying to sell their old vehicles as such laughable prices that they never get any interest. By the time they finally do get rid of them, they are in such bad shape from neglect that they practically have to give them away...

In other news, I won bid on another windshield for my Harley on Ebay. As most everyone knows, I'm not a "windshield person." I prefer not having one on my bike so I can occasionally feel the mortal pain of a bug smacking me at 60mph. (No, not many people understand that.) Anyway, there are occasions when it would be nice to have a windshield.

I don't like my original windshield for a couple reasons: For one, it's not detachable. Almost all Harleys in recent years have detachable windshields. The actual shield itself is the same, but they have totally different hardware holding them on so you can remove or install them in seconds. Mine it a bolt-on, requiring washers and shimming and aligning and adjusting--It's a total pain. The second reason is that it's a full-height windshield. If I had good, erect posture it wouldn't matter so much, but I always found myself staring at the very top edge of the windshield. Contrary to popular belief, you are not supposed to look though a windshield on a bike, but over it. The windshield is there to provide air deflection. The one I just bought is a slightly shorter version so it will fall lower in my line of sight. Without a windshield, any passenger that rides behind me will also be subject to the same bugs and wind that I am, and I would rather they had some protection--Especially with the factory passenger seat because it sits taller than my seat does. Hopefully this windshield will fit all my criteria. Oh, it's also slightly tinted too, and I like that aspect of it beings I have a dark, ugly "stealth" bike.

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