Sorry, No Good Thoughts Today...
Why can't I have a trustworthy daughter like they do on TV? I know it's a teenager thing to push the limits of authority, but I guess I just find it hard to believe the shit that kids do. No wait... Let me think back... Never mind... I remember.
Teresa called me a bit ago (I am starting to seriously dread phone calls from her). Her best friend Noelle was up at the tennis courts after school to pick up her son and saw Sarah's (former?) boyfriend driving her car. Okay, maybe he was driving it from one parking lot to the next, I don't know. What am I supposed to think? If he drives it from lot to lot, he damn sure has driven it other times and places. She will never admit such a thing though. I can say with total confidence that if she wrecks her car she will not be getting another one from me, and most likely from her mom either. That is assuming that it's just her. If someone else is involved with driving it, it won't be my insurance that will suffer, it will be hers and her mom's. She needs to understand that, but I doubt she ever will.
To add to that, Teresa said that Sarah's new camera that we bought her for her birthday has spent the majority of it's life in the hands of her (former?) boyfriend. As a matter of fact, it's at his house now and probably has been the whole time since she got it.
I have a hard time with this crap. It would be totally different if I lived there, but obviously I don't. I can talk to Sarah til I'm blue in the face and it seems to just go in one ear and out the other. In the meantime I've got to keep listening to phone calls from Teresa telling me all this. To add to that, I can't totally trust everything Teresa says either. She is notorious for embellishing things. I don't know who to believe and what I should do about it.
While I'm ranting and complaining, it hasn't been all that great of a week for me in other areas either.
I've had a headache pretty much constantly for over two days now. It's not bad, but neither does it ever go completely away. Other people I have talked to at work seem to have similar headaches. Perhaps it's a mutation of a flu bug or something.
My mom called last night and told me that my dad does indeed have cancer in one of his lungs. They are going to be getting two MRI's this week to see if it has spread to anywhere else in his body, which I understand is pretty common for lung cancer to do. The weird thing is that my dad having cancer doesn't really bother me. It's not that I have no feelings toward him, but to be honest, I really am indifferent. We never have really gotten along. I know it sounds terrible for me to say that but it's true. What does bother me about it is the ripple effect that it could cause. My mom losing her husband means a whole lot more to me than me losing my dad. Just based on that fact alone, I hope everything comes out all right.
I get into these moods and it snowballs.
I think about how my internet stops and starts whenever it wants to. I call tech support and it works fine. Sometimes it doesn't. I think about how Craigslist won't let me post linked pictures like they used to. Now I have to be happy with their stupid little bitty pictures or nothing. If I try to use pictures that are bigger and actually exist somewhere else or the posts won't show up.
Now I'm thinking about Suzie going to Hawaii on Friday. It will be lonely all next week without her. Can you tell I love her very much? Jeez. I know we'll be able to communicate while she's there, but it's not the same. She hasn't even left yet and I miss her already.
And this dull throbbing in my head isn't helping any either.
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