Suzie's Back!
I wasn't at work more than 45 minutes yesterday when my phone rang that she had just touched down. From our place of employment in Kent, SeaTac airport is very close by, so I ended up jetting out at 6:55 to get her and was back by 7:25. It was great to see her again! She was so glad that I had taken some breakfast for her along with me when I went to pick her up. She was starved. I ended up staying at work until 3:00 to make up for the half hour I used when I went to pick her up, and she ended up staying the whole day with me. Of course, it's not like she had much of a choice beings that I was her transportation, but she could have taken my car and left if she wanted to--I could have ridden home with someone I'm sure. At any rate, because she was unable to sleep and had been up since she got up the previous morning, she was draggin' ass by the end of the day. I remember when I came home from Maui a couple years ago I did the same thing. I think we have both vowed that we would never do that again, but I wouldn't be surprised if history didn't repeat itself some day in the future. She stayed at my house just long enough to have a beer and show me a couple special pictures of surfers that she had taken (which were totally killer) and then I sent her home to get some sleep.
Sarah had a tennis match at her school last night, but my schedule was kinda screwed up so I didn't try to make it up there. I figured by the time I did make it she'd have probably finished playing by then anyway.
My new detachable (read that "quick-disconnect") windshield showed up at work yesterday, and I'm very happy with it. It looks like brand new, and I got a great deal on it. Now I'm shopping for the hardware to mount it on the bike with. I've already got it in my sights on Ebay and I'm monitoring it carefully so it doesn't slip through my fingers.
I ended up getting killer headache last night. I didn't do anything at all to cause it either. I had just finished eating some dinner and wham! It was bad enough that I ended up going to bed at 8:30. Like most headaches, they are much better when you're horizontal. This one was located right behind my right eye and it was maddening. There is no rhyme or reason as to when I get a headache or where in my head that it shows up. Sometimes I wonder if it has anything to do with anything else I do or eat, but I doubt it. Maybe it would help if I did the "aspirin a day" thing. Supposedly, aspirin's blood-thinning properties help people out a lot in that regard, and it's recommended for lots of folks as they age anyway for prevention of strokes and the like. Although I haven't had a complete physical in ages, I do have to go in once a year for a prescription renewal, and my blood pressure is always fine. I dunno. I know I feel fine this morning and that's what counts right now.
Another tennis match tonight, and this one is close by--Right over near me at Auburn High School. I hope the weather holds out because rescheduling of these things screws me up.
Although it was St. Patrick's Day yesterday, I didn't remember it and therefore didn't wear any green. Fortunately (or UN?) nobody pinched me. I did, however, hit Safeway later on and scored a nice flat of corned beef to cook up in the crock pot later this week.
Well, back to work!
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