Monday Morning
I hate changing clocks to and from daylight savings time. I like the effect, but hate actually doing it. It takes a while to get things back in order with my internal clock.
It's going to be weird without Suzie around this week. Nobody to trade knowing glances with, steal kisses and hugs with, trade love notes with, or any of the other little things that make the workday fun for us both. Ho hum... Just the usual grind. I guess I'll try to stay busy so I don't dwell on it too much.
Tennis season is upon us, and I get to spend time watching Sarah playing tennis after school on certain days again. She's a good player--One of the better ones. She will never be a fantastic player just because she is not one of those "extra mile" type of people, but she is definitely good. I like to watch her play. Tomorrow is their first game and it's up at Bonney Lake High School.
I went to the library yesterday to return a couple movies that I had copied, and had a notification to pick up another one that had come in. I stopped at Sarah's to see if she wanted to go with me, and while I was there picked up Teresa's Harley leathers for Suzie to try out. If they fit maybe we can do some wheelin' and dealin'.
I stopped by my folks' house on the way home from dropping Sarah off and had a pretty decent visit. Right after I pulled up Denis and his wife Kim pulled up as well. I ended up sitting there and yakking through 3 glasses of wine (that's probably what caused me to take a nap a little later). Nothing new as far as dad goes. The MRI thing is slated for tomorrow so I guess everyone will no more then. Nothing changed as far as his attitude goes. He's still hard to hold a conversation with as ever.
'Twas a fairly humdrum weekend really--Laundry, oil change, and other mundane stuff.
I never have posted a picture of my mannequin before but it occurred to me yesterday to do so. Her official name is Moana (yes, I know how I spelled it). Pretty hot, don't you think? Her look changes from time to time. As always, you can click for a bigger picture.
She's wearing a t-shirt that Steve bought me back in Louisville (duh) a couple years ago when he was there on vacation. He got it on the clearance rack and it's no wonder. What you're seeing here is the back of the shirt, which I think is one of the coolest designs I've seen on a t-shirt in a long time. Nice colors and layout. What's on the front of the shirt is nothing but a HUGE orange and white Harley logo. I mean HUGE. It's totally ugly. When Moana saw that she said, "Hey, I ain't wearin' that shit!" I talked her into putting it on backwards instead.
It works on her...
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