Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday Morning

It's been a few days, so it's time to play catch-up.

I managed to get quite a bit of progress on the Harley on Friday after work, but I still have a long way to go. I have gotten to the point of seeing what needs to be addressed on the rear fender and am ready to start welding on it. It was tough Friday because the weather was so warm. I wanted to be riding!

There was no school Friday, so I didn't have to do any transport duties. She was going out at about 6pm with a bunch of her friends on a special birthday bash. One of them was having an overnight party at a hotel in Bellevue for her 16th birthday, so she was pretty excited about that. I feel sorta bad that she didn't get a special birthday party for her 16th. Sigh.

I had a goal yesterday morning to stay naked the whole day. I know, it's a strange goal, but I like the simple things--What can I say. Anyway, that thought was dashed when Teresa called at about 9 and asked when I wanted to go have Sarah's car title transferred over. I told her now was fine, so she came over and we went down and took care of that. I guess we were lucky that it's the middle of the month, because the place was dead. We had just missed their opening rush and when we walked in we didn't even have to take a number. It went totally without a hitch, so Teresa now owns another car, and it has its new license tabs. I spent much of the rest of the day doing some shopping (yeah, see what happens when you get dressed?) and doing dishes and stuff like that.

I've been working on a new page for my website, and I've finally arrived at a starting point and have put links to it on my website menus. The subject: Nudism. Yeah, what can I say... It's near and dear to my heart. You can check it out here. I hope you enjoy it. I was in a writing mood!

Hey, I know... I'll make today my nude day. So far, so good...

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