Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blogs and Pictures

I was surprised to find out this weekend that Sue is a blogger! I never knew that about her. It's funny how the parallels in our interests keep making themselves known as we explore each other. While she is nowhere near the blogger that I am as far as frequency goes, she is a great writer. Now I have links to Suzie's blog and Rhon's blog over to the right. My two favorite blogger ladies!

When we were going over slides this weekend I was very surprised and delighted to find that I had a picture of my old camera collection. I instantly remembered it when I saw it, but had forgotten all about it. In addition to a couple others I wanted to scan, I put it on my scanner so I could put it on the photography page I'm working on to add to my website. I had to do some serious work to get the colors to come out right. See, that's the thing with film cameras you never know about--You never know what kind of shot you got until you see it when it comes back from the developer. For whatever reason I never retook the shot, so this one is my only existing picture of the collection. Here ya go (click on it for a bigger picture):

One of my great regrets is that I sold the collection. I don't know why--It's not the first time I've done stupid things that I regretted. I guess I got tired of it. Maybe I'll start accumulating them again. I do like collecting things. Hmm...

When Sue was over last night she showed me a website that looked very interesting--A site that enables people to upload and sell their "stock" photos, called Fotolia. That could be kinda cool to have fun with pictures and sell them too. It's only a small money, but hey... It's something.

Well, time to head out to work.

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