Thursday, February 07, 2008

A Winnie the Pooh Day

Yes, it's blustery out there all right. I'm sure glad today isn't garbage day because it is blowing hard out there! The wind is blowing hard enough that it woke me many times during the night. Fortunately, I had no trouble getting back to sleep each time. I'm still attributing my better sleeping habits of late to my having flannel sheets. The only thing that would make it more cozy is to have someone in there to spoon with.

Our new insurance at work caused me to make a change in my prescription renewal. I used to get my prescrip refilled at Top Foods, but they are not on "the list" of the new provider. Of the drugstores that are on the list, I evaluated (there I go thinking too much again) them based on location and how busy they usually were, and I decided that I would go with Rite Aid. I was thinking about all this at work yesterday, and Rite Aid was the one that never seemed to have lines of people any time I was ever in the store. When I got home, I popped onto their website to see about a transfer, hoping I could just do it online. I found that because it was new I would have to do it in person. The good thing is that while I was on there I found a bonus: They offered a Rite Aid gift card worth $40 for a new prescription transfer! I printed it off on the printer and headed over. The way it worked was that you get a gift card for $30 on the spot and you get $5 off each of your next two renewals. Not too shabby of a little bonus eh? That offsets the fact that my copay is now $30 instead of the $20 it used to be.

I got a call from Steve the other day that my old boss at Boeing was trying to get hold of me. When I got home there was also a couple emails saying as much too. A couple months ago I wanted to go back to Boeing--Now I'm not so sure. Two things have happened since then that make me feel that way: A raise and Suzie. I really like working there again thanks to those two developments. Still, I shouldn't count out the possibility of some big opportunity looming over the horizon. I called the guy that afternoon, but no answer. I forgot to call him yesterday. One of the emails was from a former coworker there, and explained that he thought it was a "contract" job. If that's the case, I don't want it anyway. Contract jobs are usually very lucrative, but there are no benefits and they are for 6 months at a time. They are perfect for retirees that have all their benefits already anyway. Besides, I'm not all that good at the job I used to do--They must be pretty desperate!

The Harley run that myself and my buddies take every year over to Chelan in June has died. Apparently, there was always some sort of rift between the club that sponsored it and the place that hosted it. That's why it was in a different spot last year. This year it's just over. No more. It's not that big a deal really, because we don't care as much about the event itself as we do actually making the run. I enjoy traveling on roads I don't get to ride on often (if ever), the camaraderie of the pit stops we make for food or beverage, the yakking and joking at the motel in between venturing on short jaunts--It's all a lot of fun because they're great people.

This year we're going on a run the following weekend over to Toppenish instead. It's sponsored by a different sort of an outfit instead of a motorcycle club, and it should be a decent event I would think. The good thing is that I've never ridden over Toppenish way so it will be cool to explore that area on two wheels. I made my reservation last night for two nights. We're planning on heading over on Friday June 12th at about noon. It's always good to have something fun on a calendar!

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