Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Philosophy 0.5

I had a good chat with Rhon last night, as most are.

Our topics seemed to bounce around to many somewhat philosophical topics last night, brought on by a movie I had watched with my dinner, called Brazil. This was a pretty weird movie, but a good one nonetheless.

After we talked for a while, she brought up the question of whether or not I had ever taken any philosophy classes, to which I answered no. She thought that I would have really enjoyed such a class, and I have to agree. My schooling back then and my interests and focus (or lack thereof) nowadays don't necessarily coincide very well. I was allowed free reign over class selection by my parents. That may or may not have been a good idea.

  • It was a good idea because they wanted me to be able to choose my own path.
  • It wasn't a good idea because nobody urged me in any particular direction that might offer me more "tools" to help me through life's many and varied decisions.
  • It was a good idea because neither of my parents are very well educated, and although they would have had good intentions, would've probably inadvertently sent me the wrong direction. Case in point: My parents forced all of us kids to take a musical instrument. The main thought was an excellent one, and I believe it was a good experience, but the main reason from my dad's perspective was totally wrong: "You can make good money playing in bars." His words exactly.

I have enjoyed some good discussion over the years, but would have welcomed even more. I certainly have a lot of thoughts kicking around upstairs. I think I may have to expand on this topic.

Anyway, until next time... It's time to go to work now.

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