Friday, March 07, 2008

Friday Evening... Alone

It's been a while since I spent a Friday evening alone. Over a period of time Friday has evolved into mine and Suzie's favorite night--A night we could look forward to all week long to spend with each other. So why alone tonight? I put her on a plane to Hawaii a couple of hours ago. She'll be back a week from Monday.

Her parents live on Kauai, and this is a trip she looks forward to so much all year long. If I remember correctly, this is the first time that she has went all by herself--Usually she has one or more of her kids along with her. Given the choice, she would have loved to have taken me along with her this time. We are both very, very avid sun lovers. She has been tanning several times a week this month to help her minimize any effects that the transition from rusty to sunny might tend to cause when she ends up spending all that time in the sun that her body isn't used to.

We spent an enjoyable evening together last night. I made us some 'tater skins complete with cheese, bacon, and sour cream. They came out very well for my first try! I supplemented that with barbecue pork sandwiches on oven toasted rolls. It was pretty good. She came back in the wee hours this morning right before I left for work so that she could hitch a ride with me. Instead of her usual 8-4:30 schedule, she worked 6-2:30 like I did today so I could take her directly to the airport after work. I suppose our arrival together this morning raised a bit of an eyebrow to the uninformed. Ditto when we both left together.

You know what was cool? A while back--A couple weeks ago or so--I ordered us each a little electronic remote for our Canon cameras. It was an Ebay purchase, and they came from Hong Kong. Other than a genuine Canon remote (which was way overpriced for something with only two functions) the only ones that are really available are from Hong Kong. After doing a little digging, I decided that they looked like nice little units and ordered us each one. I wanted to give it to her as a little surprise gift. A few days ago we were talking and she expressed a desire to buy one (of some kind) before her trip to Hawaii. I reluctantly divulged the fact that I had ordered us each one. Guess when they showed up? Today! It was great timing. I tested it out a while ago and it works beautifully. I've very happy with the purchase. I got both of them for $12 shipped, and they even each came with two extra batteries. How can you beat that? I know she's going to enjoy using it on her trip. She is taking her tripod along to use with her camera, so I know it will come in handy on some beautiful slow-exposure timer shots.

I'm going to miss her this week but I'm pretty sure we'll be able to converse via Gmail chat and emails.

Her trip is kind of multipurpose. Besides the obvious sun, water, beaches, weather, and vacation aspect of it, she of course is also going for picture-taking. Mainly though, she has the desire to spend some serious time with her parents. I'm not real savvy about everything that happens in the Witness religion, but apparently protocol dictates that when they date someone that's not a member they have to become what they call "dis-fellowshipped." Apparently, it's a given for it to happen unless you only date and marry within the church. Suzie has admitted that when you couple the religious aspects within her faith along with her age as a single mom, there just aren't any good men "on the inside" and necessitates someone to reach a little more outwardly for a life mate. Her parents are elders within the church over in that area and she wants quality time to spend with them before explaining what's going on in her life to them (in a letter) after her vacation is over. It's not that she's afraid to tell them while she's there, it's just that she's positive that it will create a cloud over her visit and she doesn't want that. She's torn about the whole thing though. Sad that it will limit her contact with congregation members, but excited about the prospect of us spending more time together and sharing experiences. I'm sure she'll correct any of it that I got wrong, but I' think it's close.

It's a very complicated life people lead sometimes. I can't understand religious things very well, but I do understand people's desire for spirituality and their need justify their existence and give their lives extra meaning. I wonder why it skipped me? I have no such feelings that I know of. I can coexist with it just fine (after all, it's all around us), but never feel the slightest need for it myself.

At any rate, I sure hope Suz is having a great flight. I wish I could have went along too!

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