Monday, April 21, 2008

Okay (sigh) I'll Write...

I know it's been a while, and I'd be lying if I said that nothing much has been going on. Truth is, when I let my posts lapse it's hard to figure out where to start. It's also hard to squeeze it in before I leave for work. I had this post complete and ready to go this morning, but when I was ready to post I found that my internet was down.

Today is my dad's birthday, but unfortunately for him he has to spend it in the hospital getting worked over. Some sort of exploratory surgery for his cancerous lung. According to my mom, all the tests and things that they've done up until now have been good. Today they're going into his chest with a camera (if I understood her correctly) to see exactly what they're dealing with before they hit him with chemotherapy. Fun way to spend a birthday. I stopped by their house yesterday and gave him his present early just in case they wouldn't be available today, and I'm glad I did.

We've been bombarded by weird weather around here. We've witnessed more hail and snow mixture stuff in the last two days than we get in some whole winters, and it's nearing the end of April for crying out loud! It's like living in Oklahoma where the weather can do a 180-degree turn in a half hour's time.

I got my Harley jacked up Wednesday after work and took the front wheel down to R&R Cycle to have its new skin put on. On Thursday I swung by on the way home from work and picked it up. I got back to work in the garage as quick as I could after getting home and got the front wheel put back on. It looks way different with blackwall tires on it instead of the whitewalls I'm used to! After a little cussing and fussing I got the rear wheel off and hurried it down to R&R so they could get going on it, making it there about a half hour before they closed.

Friday was a very busy day at work, but a smooth one. Things went the way they were supposed to for the most part, and the day went by quickly. On the way home I swung by R&R, hoping to get the rear wheel to the Harley, but it wasn't quite finished. Instead of waiting, I opted to come back for it later. It worked out well because I had ordered a pizza for me and Sue and at about the time it was to be ready for pickup, R&R called and said the wheel was ready too. With gas prices the way they are, the more you can get done in one car trip the better. I had no interest in getting the rear wheel on, but I did get a little bit done towards reassembly before Suzie showed up.

I don't remember what drove us to head out when we left after having our morning coffee time on Saturday. I love that time of day when we just sit around talking about things. Anyway, we may have went out with Fry's Electronics as our first stop or not--I can't remember--But that's where we went. One thing led to another when we left there. On a quest for an 18" wide dishwasher for Suz, we started winding our way across town looking for appliance stores. We stopped at the Tukwila Harley dealership for lunch (our timing was perfect and we were in the area) and I finalized the parts I needed for my windshield installation, which made me very happy. When we left there we ended up at Albert Lee appliance where Suz dropped a few hundred on a dishwasher. It should be arriving at her house today, where it will reside in peace until it can be installed by her team of sons.

After a stop at my house we ended up at her son's house where other family members were busy doing upgrades and things while they were out of town for their anniversary. I helped put up some blinds in two bedrooms, Suzie did some work on shortening and hanging some drapes, and her son-in-law Tony was doing some electrical upgrades (his profession). Blinds, drapes, outlets--Those were some pretty nice anniversary gifts to come back to.

Yesterday was a usual Sunday, starting out with laundry, shopping, etc. I managed to get the windshield hardware put on the Harley and was very happy about that. I still have to assemble the windshield itself, but that's very easy--It's just bolting all the little criss-cross bracketry back onto it. After my laundry was done I spent a few hours up at Suzie's house taking pictures. We enjoy being camera nerds. It's always fun to put both our new pictures on the computer and browse them doing the usual "Oh, nice" and "Eww... Delete" comments.

Once a nerd, always a nerd--Computer or camera!

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