Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ah, my favorite time of day

Coffee time.

Unlike most Seattle area people, I'm not a coffee fanatic. As a matter-of-fact, I just drink plain ol' coffee machine coffee--MJB I think it is, and I don't care who knows.

No, my favorite time of day is coffee time because I can sit here and wake up at my own speed while enjoying a couple of cups of coffee at my leisure. Of course, based on my usual attire, I am very careful with spillage, although I do wear a robe in the cooler months.
Most people are missing out on a great way to start their day. They get up in the morning and allow themselves just enough time to get their shit together and rush out the door to go to work. Their day gets off to a start by rushing around and racing the clock.

Not me.

I get up at 4am every weekday morning so I have plenty of time to say hello to the day. That gives me time to make something for lunch and still have a full hour to sit and peruse the web, or just be lost in my thoughts. By the time I leave for work at 5:30, I'm awake, clear-headed, and ready to face another day of entertaining my coworkers.

Am I stupid to get up a full hour before I really have to? Hell no... I think more people should do it.

Why don't you try it?

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